So the 2011/12 season has come to an end and what a season it has been. Busy camps, safaris, happy guests and many wonderful wildlife sightings. This is the time of the year when everybody takes a well deserved break until the next season starts again in early June. This is also the time of the year when we do allot of staff training.
In the next two months there will be some very good guide training taking place and we have just finished selecting 10 new trainee guides to send on such a course and hopefully one day become one of our resident camp safari guides. The selection process started some three weeks ago with Myself and Emannuel Chagamba (one of our Olakira Camp guides) interviewing round about 150 people. Cv's where collected and personal interviews where done with each applicant, together with a driving test.
From all the almost 150 plus interviews we selected 30 people to come back and do a three day selection course at Asilia base office out of which we would choose the final 10. It was a fun filled three days getting to know everyone better and playing some really fun team building games with them, teaching them some valuable skills.
Blindfolded, make a even sided triangle and point it to Mt Meru |
Crossing a "river" and having to build a perfect tower of tins on a float! |
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Pure Concentration!! |
Leeding your blinded partner through a mine field |
At the end of day three 10 people where chosen (a very tough decision) to join Ethan Kinsey on a 6 week guide training course in the bush, followed by written and practical guiding exams and future employment. A big congratulations goes to Calson, Oredi, Erasto, Elia, Benson, Leonard, John Elias, Nathan, Samwel and Makubi for making the final ten and best of luck to all of you!!
The final ten, In the back L-R, Oredi, Erasto, Nathan, Leonard and Benson In the front, L-R, Elia, John, Makubi and Calson, absent Samwel. |
Thanks to everyone who came to the interviews and also those who joined us on the selection course, for those who did not make it this time, keep believing in yourself and you are all very welcome again to come and try next season, Karibu Sana !!