Kogatende in the Northern Serengeti has some beautiful wild flowers, especially in November when the grass is super short and green from the rains and the Wildebeest Migration has already left the area.
Many of the beautiful flowers however is very hard to identify and partly because it is very difficult to get a well illustrated field guide to help. Guests also always notice them because they are so pretty, normally very brightly colored and you cant miss them, so naturally they want to know what they are called.
A few months back we started making a photo library of all the wild flowers we could see (thanks Nathoo) and in May this year we had a great opportunity to identify some of these flowers. Annie Powys a tree and plant fundi from Kenya joined us in the May guide training in Kogatende as one of the trainers and she helped Id some of the flowers for us, have a look below.
Kalanchoe sp. |
Orthosiphon sp. |
Ruellia patula |
Thunbergia alata |
Jasminum aethiopica |
Commelina sp. |
Hibiscus aethiopica |
Kleinia abyssinica |
Crossandra subacaulis |
Cycnium tubulosum |
Ipomea cairicia |
Stathmostelma racoides |
Hypoxis obtusa |
Blepheris sp. |
Hibiscus lunarifolius |
Striga asiatica |
Scadoxus multiflorus |
Ammocharis tinneana |
Gloriosa superba |
Hibiscus lunarifolius
Solanum incanum
Lantana trifolia
So these are some of the beautiful flowers we managed to photograph and identify, however please note, some of these names might have changed and might even have been missed identified, so please in our quest as guides to learn as much as we can, if anyone has other suggestions on the above or think it is something else, please do let us know by leaving a comment!