Thursday, June 23, 2011


Hi All, and welcome to this new Asilia guides blog. I hope that you will enjoy this new blog and log onto it regularly to catch up on some good info, and just to boost your knowledge. The blog will be updated as regularly as possible so keep checking for new entry's on all kinds of things regarding guiding and the environment. We will also be posting any other news from the other camps and guides and their sightings as well as any interesting happenings and sightings from the Asilia Safari Guides based in Arusha. We will also be watching what is happening in the rest of the world, and will keep you informed on cool things that will be of interest to you and your guests that you can share with them on your Safari's. If there is anything that you want to learn more of or have any ideas for posts on this blog, please let us know and we will try and post it, you can mail us at and we can then share it with all.

It takes a very special individual to make a professional guide, and you can be as funny, entertaining, and charming as you want but at the end of the day it is very much based on your knowledge and practical experience. Building one self up to be a great guide takes a lot of learning, discipline, interest and the will to be the best of the best, unfortunately it also takes time and even guides who have been guiding for years and years can still learn something new everyday and it is up to you as a individual to do this and to succeed.

Talking about learning…. the recent Asilia guide training was a huge success and I think all of you will agree from the minute the trainee guides went into the bush with Ethan until the group training in the Tarangire that there was a lot learned. The feedback was amazing and the guides could not stop talking about it. Well done Ethan, Allan, Markus, Moyra, Jackson, Colin, Robin and Asilia you guys did a sterling job in creating surely the best guide training program in Tanzania.

So welcome all, and I hope you will enjoy this blog and find it helpful, what we want is the best network of guides in East Africa help us do that!

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